Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bias Assignment

Today you will find an article in your mother tongue that comments on your topic. You are looking for an editorial or opinion piece because your task is to detect bias on the part of the writer. Once you've found a good article you can use this published by the Media Awareness Network to help you. Once you've found some good evidence, you should translate a couple of phrases that show bias into English.

Finally, you should summarize the content of the article and your ideas about how it's biased in a post on your blog. Use the quotes (translated) to support your argument.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm Here! (Finally)

I'm slowly reading your blogs. I'm going to make comments in the comment section so watch for them. In the meantime keep reading about your topic. I plan to book some time in the library for your to get up to date.