Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Political Turmoil in Canada

This article from The Globe and Mail does a very good job of summarizing the fluctuating situation in the Canadian government right now. It's a very exciting time!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bias Assignment

Today you will find an article in your mother tongue that comments on your topic. You are looking for an editorial or opinion piece because your task is to detect bias on the part of the writer. Once you've found a good article you can use this published by the Media Awareness Network to help you. Once you've found some good evidence, you should translate a couple of phrases that show bias into English.

Finally, you should summarize the content of the article and your ideas about how it's biased in a post on your blog. Use the quotes (translated) to support your argument.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm Here! (Finally)

I'm slowly reading your blogs. I'm going to make comments in the comment section so watch for them. In the meantime keep reading about your topic. I plan to book some time in the library for your to get up to date.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Last Post and Bonus Opportunity

Hello Everyone!
Here we are at our last blog post. You have total freedom to write whatever you want on your subject. Consider this Free Post 2. For details about what should be included in your blog check out that blog task checklist on Blackboard.

Bonus opportunity! Find a podcast on your topic and post it. You should summarize it and let my know whether you agree with the opinions expressed.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Video Killed the Internet Star

Today you will scour YouTube and other multimedia sites and you will find a post a short video on your topic. It must be in your mother tongue. In a brief accompanying post, you will explain what's happening in the video and you will explain how the video is relevant to your topic. You may also consider whether the video is biased in any way.

While you are doing that, I will be reviewing your blogs. I will email you your interim mark in the next week or so. Check Blackboard for the Assignment Check List to make sure your blog is up to date. I'll also be posting a grading rubric on Blackboard very soon.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Keep On Going!

The thing about blogs is that they have to be updated to remain relevant and interesting. Today you will do some more research and you will create a new post for your blog. You have the freedom to choose what you'd like to write about; however you should comment on some element of your topic. I have no guidelines or restrictions for word length.

Go on: Express yourself!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blogs Change the World

One of the fascinating things about blogs is that everyday people can publish their opinions for the world to see. Maybe this results in too many boring rants about celebrities, or the painful abuse of the rules of spelling and grammar, but at their best, blogs allow those people who are affected by world events to comment on them. For example, some bloggers from Iraq have shown the world what it is like to live in this afflicted country. What bombs do to drinking water, family celebrations and the life of an engineering student.

Although you do not live in such a troubled place, you do have a unique and important perspective. Unique, because as a student studying far from home, you have an opportunity to see Canadian culture (Anglo Canadian, that is) from the eyes of a newcomer. At the same time, you have some distance from your own culture, and a chance to see it with fresh eyes too.

From now until our next class, use that perspective to learn about your topic. Balance your research between North American media and the media from your home. Begin to notice bias or patterns in coverage. Challenge yourself to find a broad range of opinions: not just the ones you agree with.

On Thursday, I'll post your next writing assignment.

Friday, January 11, 2008

What Am I Supposed To Do?

To be clear, a blog is a collection of short personal essays. It is a personal opinion about a specific topic or event. Some of you have chosen blog topics that are similar to, or the same as, your Extended Essay topic. This is fine. Doing research for your essay, will allow you to do research for your blog. You will "kill two birds with one stone" to use a popular English idiom. However, you can't use the same writing style. A blog is not a formal essay, and it may not be written like one. That said, your blog is published writing. It should be error free and follow the conventions of spelling and grammar.

Your first blog posting will be due on Tuesday, January 15th. It should be about 200 words in length. In this posting you will introduce your topic and you will explain what you hope to learn about it in the coming months. Talk about how difficult or easy it has been to find information. Address some obvious trends or differences you see between North American coverage and media from your home. In short, summarize what you will be doing with your blog.

In addition, you should link your classmate's blog to your own. This too, will be due on 15 Jan.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Blog Assignment

Today you will create your class blog. In this term-long assignment you will maintain your blog by reporting on a single issue. You will follow this issue as it develops over the term. You will analyse how the media covers the issue and you will look at videos, news stories, and other blog reports as part of your research. You will link your research to your blog.

In addition, you will comment on the blogs of others in the class. You must have all classmates' blogs linked on your site and you must visit them regularly. You will be graded on how well you cover your issue and how well you respond to the ideas presented on the other blogs.

I will routinely post instructions and information here. Check regularly.

Remember, this is a multi-media assignment. Be creative.

Today in class I will help you choose a topic to cover. Some ideas might be the American Election, Canadians in Afghanistan, conflict in Africa (Kenya, Angola etc.), war in Iraq. You may also choose a broader topic that is receiving a lot of attention: for example, global warming, the intelligent design debate, environmentalism, AIDS in Africa, violence in society, English vs. French in Canada etc.

Come up with your own idea.

More details will come.